Thursday, September 11, 2008


How can anyone forget what happened on this day of 9-11.

It's a good thing I'm not President of the United States because I would tear some ass up. I would have told the world... You have 72 hours to turn over the butt wipes that did this... or you want to see death and destruction?

We'll play...

And you won't like my game...

The only sin these people committed...was getting out of bed, kissing their husband or wife and the kids and going to work to make a living for their family...

Many people died, many I did not heart goes out to these people who died because of some dumb ass wacko that hates us because we are different.

Because we believe what we believe...

There are so many idiots in this world that have hate in their heart because we do what we do. Because we are free...

But when we are at war and some folks get killed that have nothing to do with it, everybody gets outraged at us for protecting ourselves.

The United States, has always fought fair, army against army, but to fight against these ass have to fight on their level, even if it means taking out a whole world of maniacs with a bomb that will get somebodies attention.

Drop that bad boy...and we'll see if they change their attitude...after they change their shorts...

Do you still want to screw with me?

Lets play...

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